What You Need to Know
About Your iPod's Battery
iPod's battery life is an issue to most iPod users. Users say that an iPod battery degrades over
time and is irreplaceable. Apple, nevertheless, published guidelines about iPod battery
on its website and gave tips on how to maximize the life of an iPod battery.
on its website and gave tips on how to maximize the life of an iPod battery.
The iPod battery is integrated in the circuitry. If the iPod
battery is removable, the iPods will be as bulky as regular digital celfones. Previously,
Apple does not accept replacement of a worn-out iPod battery. Some tips to
maximize your iPod battery's power.Keep your iPod at room temp.An iPod battery
works at its best when the iPod is at room temperature, between 0° to 35° C (or
32° to 95° F).
Otherwise, a low-battery warning will appear and the iPod
won't turn on unless you recharge it. If after warming up your iPod remains
asleep, do this: connect the iPod to the power adapter. An iPod battery can be
fast-charged in an hour with eight percent (80) of its capacity. An iPod
battery slowly empties even when the iPod unit is not in use. * Empty the iPod
battery fully before you recharge it.
iPod skins and iPod covers look good on your iPod, but
please do not charge your iPod while it is still dressed with iPod skin or
iPod will continue to play if left playing until the iPod
battery drains out. Always turn off your iPod when not in use to save battery
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